Theatre on Ice

With teams made up of beginners through advanced level skaters, our Theatre On Ice teams offer skaters the chance to skate and compete together as a team! 

Theatre On Ice (TOI) is a form of competitive figure skating popular in Europe, where it is known as Ballet on Ice. The sport combines the grace and technique of figure skating with the excitement of theatre and dance to tell a story on the ice. Teams practice year-round to compete regionally, nationally and in Worlds. TOI builds character, camaraderie and confidence while promoting physical and mental health. Skating on a TOI team is HARD WORK but super FUN!

Want to join or learn more? Email us at

Want to support our TOI teams? Donate!

Chesapeake Diamonds

The Chesapeake Diamonds are a Junior Theatre on Ice team led by Coach Julia Sretenski.   The Diamonds compete regionally, nationally, and at the international level.  Competitive History as follows:

U.S. Theatre on Ice Nationals:

  • 2019 Bronze Medal

  • 2022 Pewter medal

  • 2023 Pewter Medal

Nations Cup:

  • 2023, 5th place, Boston, MA

  • 2024, Bordeaux, France

The Chesapeake Sapphires are an Open Theatre on Ice team led by Coach Julia Sretentski and Jessica Waldner-Heinemann. The Sapphires compete at regional and national levels.

Chesapeake Sapphires

Chesapeake Opals

The Chesapeake Opals are a Preliminary Theatre on Ice team led by Coach Ms. Pat Muth and Coach Katie Thatcher.  The Opals team currently consists of elementary aged skaters.  The Opals compete at regional and national levels.

Chesapeake Pearls

The Chesapeake Pearls are an introductory level Learn to Skate Theatre on Ice team led by Coach Melissa Ivester. The Pearls compete regionally.

Chesapeake Azurites

Our Theatre on Ice team for adults.